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What will my kindergartner be learning and doing?
We take a hands-on, multi-sensory approach to learning here at Pardes — your child will be actively engaged as they develop an understanding of content. Here’s a snapshot of what your child will be learning and doing …
As part of our Responsive Classroom model, Morning Meeting builds a strong sense of community and helps children to succeed academically, socially, and emotionally. Students have the opportunity to share information about important events in their lives, participate in a brief activity, and interact with a short message that creates a focus for the day.
We use Project Based learning across all grade levels at Pardes as it helps students acquire deep content knowledge and develop success skills, such as critical thinking, communication, creativity, and collaboration. Learn more about how we incorporate Project Based Learning into our kindergarten curriculum.
Children engage in a reading and writing workshop approach, creating a balanced literacy curriculum. It includes components such as phonics, shared reading, shared writing, interactive writing, read aloud with accountable talk, and small group work, in addition to mini lessons addressing foundational skills.
Songs, games, art, and hands-on activities help students begin to practice listening and speaking in Hebrew. As a kindergartner, your child will learn to recognize and write the letters of the aleph-bet and basic vocabulary. Kindergartners engage in Jewish life and studies — from learning about the Jewish calendar, celebrating the chagim (holidays), learning the brachot (blessings), and studying Parshat Bereshit (Genesis), to building a connection to Israel.
We follow NextGen Science Standards and utilize a blend of hands-on experiments and technology to explore topics such as plants, animals, weather, and force. Each student has the opportunity to be Scientist of the Week, demonstrating a science experiment to the class. Students also enjoy weekly visits to the Makerspace.
Students use real-life examples to build foundational math skills. Hands-on, sensory experiences help develop computational skills and problem-solving strategies. Research has shown this type of experiential foundation results in more success in written and symbolic mathematics in later grades.
Students participate in weekly musical theater and art classes. Students are introduced to a variety of musical styles, movement and public speaking, and explore various elements of art, such as line, shape, color, value, form, texture, and space, through immersive experiences.
Kindergartners participate in physical education classes twice a week where they learn skills and enjoy playing games. A morning and lunch recess each day let kindergartners stretch, run, and play outdoors. In addition to the new play structures, they enjoy the basketball court and soccer field.