The Bycer Family
What do you love most about Pardes?
There are so many things we love about Pardes, it’s hard to pick just one! Pardes is such a caring, nurturing, and positive environment, and we love that it feels more like a family then a school. We also love that Pardes is teaching our daughter how to think critically and analytically, is helping her build her confidence and independence, and is instilling in her a love of learning and pride in her Jewish identity.
Why did you choose Pardes for your child(ren)?
We chose Pardes because it offers a challenging and quality education in general/secular studies, as well as in cultural and religious Jewish studies.
In what ways have you seen your child(ren) grow and develop as a result of their experience at Pardes?
Our daughter is a very shy girl, and after just one year at Pardes we saw a huge change in her! She really blossomed and came out of her shell, and gained confidence and independence. We greatly attribute this to the incredible teachers at Pardes who make her feel comfortable, loved and safe to express herself each day.
Describe how your child(ren) benefits from the secular academic classes, learning the Hebrew language and Jewish studies at Pardes?
Not only did our daughter learn to read in just one year at Pardes, but her amazing kindergarten teachers instilled in her an incredible excitement for learning and reading. She now loves to read bedtime stories to the whole family! It is adorable to watch her read to her younger sister and brother – in both English and Hebrew!
What would you say to a prospective family who is considering Pardes for their child(ren)?
To a prospective family, we would say: Pardes is a wonderful school. If you want to expose your children to a nurturing, caring environment, that will challenge them academically and provide them with a strong cultural and religious background, you should send your children to Pardes.
Is there anything else you would like to share about your family’s experience at Pardes?
Being at Pardes has been such a positive experience, and our entire family has benefited greatly.