Grandparents Day is High Energy… and Full of STEAM
January 11 – Technology isn’t just for the young… it’s also for the young at heart! On January 11th, Pardes grandparents were treated to a morning of exciting STEAM activities that were specially designed for Grandparents Day. Eighth graders were on hand to mentor their “Senior Class” as they STEAMed into five different stations. There, they experienced first hand the kinds of exciting projects and learning their grandchildren are exposed to every day, here at school.
Grandparents and their mentors worked with with Bee Bots (little robots used to facilitate and enhance early learning), computer coding, and littleBits (used to build electronic circuits). They rose to the challenge of building bridges out of everyday materials (such as paper towel rolls, pipe cleaners and masking tape) capable of holding matchbox cars. Led by this year’s Pardes Chief Science Officer and Eighth grader Noah Ramos, they also built Rube Goldberg machines that had marbles barreling down ramps on their way to eventually ringing a bell!
“Grandparents Day was fun, exciting and absolutely eye opening,” said grandparent Marcia Weisberg. “The children were engaged and engaging in educating us (grandparents ) in all the amazing innovative programs from Makerspace, for kindergarten to Eighth graders. One big WOW and big thank you to Pardes, the teachers and the students!!!”
At the conclusion of the activities, grandparents were treated to a tour of campus, experiencing the vitality of everyday learning, before settling into lunch with their grandchildren.
We’re not sure who had more fun – our students or their grandparents!