Lower School Virtual Recess Provides Additional Social Connections
by Jodi Woodnick, School Counselor
Since the start of remote learning, Pardes has offered “Virtual Recess” for our Lower School students as part of their remote learning experience. Virtual Recess has provided opportunities for students to get together socially twice a week for 30 minutes or so. Together we play games, check in on our feelings, read books, and sometimes, learn a new skill (last week, we learned how to draw a clown).
The moments we’ve shared in Virtual Recess have been invaluable for the students’ social and emotional growth. Even though we’re not on campus, we’ve still been able to practice vital social skills like listening, taking turns, following instructions, and identifying and labeling our feelings. Additionally, it is yet another way Pardes has worked to maintain a sense of community for our Lower School learners. As our School Counselor, I’ve cherished the opportunity to maintain my connection with the students, and help facilitate their social connections to each other.
Last week, we hosted talent shows during Virtual Recess. Singing, dancing, flipping, drawing, and playing instruments were just SOME of the talents shared by our amazing students. But, the best part was the respect, support and love shown by the audience. Pardes students have so much love for each other!