How to Talk to Friends and Family About Kindergarten
With so many options for kindergarten, such as full- or half- day programs, friends and family often have lots of opinions. How do you best navigate those sometimes sticky conversations? Here are three areas to focus on so you can talk about kindergarten with confidence.
You know that kindergarten will set your child up for success.

Determining if and when your child is ready for kindergarten is an important decision. As a parent, you want your child to start their elementary school experience ready for this adventure and excited to make new friends. After all, you want to instill a love of learning in your child that will last a lifetime.
There are many benefits to enrolling your child in kindergarten. Your child will:
- Be introduced to a structured classroom environment
- Learn critical foundational academic and social skills
- Begin to grasp self-regulation as they practice sharing, taking turns, and listening
Pardes Jewish Day School families choose our full-day kindergarten for a variety of reasons. We’re a private K-8 school in Scottsdale, Arizona, and our program integrates Jewish values throughout a challenging, engaging academic curriculum designed specifically for little learners. We incorporate hands-on and multisensory projects, STEAM activities, the arts, and other researched-based practices that produce dynamic learners who are ready for elementary school.
When discussing your decision to enroll your child in a kindergarten program, keep in mind the many reasons it sets your child up for a successful introduction to elementary school. As a parent who is investing in your child’s future success, share these benefits with confidence.
You recognize the significant role a school’s environment plays in your child’s life.

As a parent, you recognize how important it is for your child to feel loved, seen, known, and valued. When choosing a kindergarten, it’s critical to consider the institution’s environment. Are they encouraging mastery of social skills and self-regulation in addition to mastery of content? Does it feel like the right fit for your little one?
Kindergarten is an exciting time of growth and transformation. At Pardes, our dedicated teachers tap into a child’s natural curiosity, encouraging them to ask questions and explore solutions. Content covered includes Hebrew studies, literacy, math, performing and fine arts, P.E., and STEAM. Kindergarten students get the personalized attention they need to maximize learning, as well as to feel seen and comfortable taking risks.
We utilize a responsive classroom model that incorporates a growth mindset, which helps our youngest learners build core competencies and the self-confidence needed for success inside and outside school, including perseverance, self-control, cooperation, responsibility, and empathy.
When someone is questioning your kindergarten choice, be sure and share those aspects of the school’s environment that are most meaningful to you. And don’t be afraid to mention if a space or place feels right to you — trusting your intuition is important.
You’ve chosen a kindergarten program that aligns with your family’s values.

As a parent, you know your child’s learning experience is going to have a big impact on their foundational academics, their overall well-being, and their views and opinions regarding the world around them. You want to be sure to choose a school whose values align with your family’s values.
At Pardes, our kindergarten students are learning so much more than literacy, math, and science. Students see Jewish values modeled inside and outside their classroom. They’re learning kindness, respect, and how to care for others. With supportive teachers and a curriculum that fosters both group and individual activities, they’re able to build their confidence and increase their independence.
Many Jewish families want their children to grow up with a clear understanding of their heritage, their unique place in the world, and a sense of belonging and community. Through songs, games, and art, Pardes kindergartners practice listening and speaking Hebrew. They study the Jewish calendar, holidays, traditional blessings, and how the stories of the Torah help shape who we are today.
Watch the Kaitz family share why they chose Pardes’ kindergarten for their daughter.
When discussing your kindergarten choice with friends and family, don’t compromise your values or what’s most important to you. Keep your end goal in mind, reminding yourself and others that your child’s education is an investment that will shape and influence them in their formative years.